Manny and Joce cover this week’s Beta Q&A, a pet battle tool called Rematch, and take two listener questions about defecting from the Horde and tier armor in BfA.
Beta is Live AKA Manny was right
Still many many things likely to change, but BfA is officially out of Alpha. There was a Q&A on Thursday with Ion.
- Class design with no artifact traits
- Change traits on gear?
- Many specs, how will the neck work?
- Azerite traits
- Island Expeditions
- PvP
- Separate BG queue
- Racials in Rated PvP
- World PvP smaller power gains to keep players closer in power
- War Mode
- Void elves vs High elves, why!?
- DKs for Allied Races
- Personal loot for high end raiding
- Raid appearance question
- WTF Horde story
Rematch – Vicbaldry
Rematch allows you to save pet teams for World Quests and trainers so you can easily beat them again and again. There is even a notes field so you can write down the strategy. It auto selects the right saved team too!
- Adds a TON of functionality to the Pet Collection
- A bandage button/count
- Pet toys and buffs
- Leveling Queue (allows you to make a list of pets you want to level in order of priority, and assign a slot on a team as a leveling slot. Once the top pet reaches 25, the next pet in the queue will automatically get slotted in)
- Strong Vs will filter the list to pets that do increased damage to the chosen types. For instance choosing Magic will list all pets with attacks that are strong against Magic (all pets with Dragonkin attacks).
- Tough Vs will filter the list to pets that receive reduced damage to the chosen types. For instance choosing Magic will list all Mechanical pets.
- These two filters can be combined to find the best counters to what you’re facing and help you build your teams
- The search is more robust, you can search for level or stat ranges, ability names, or effects like Bleed
- Many many many options for window appearance, as well as the behaviour of the addon itself
- You can import and export pet teams, as well as create up to 16 tabs along the side of your journal to organize them (i.e. trainer teams, leveling teams, PvP teams)
- If you import teams with pets you don’t have, they are greyed out, and you will get a warning telling you you don’t have them when you click on the team to load it
Tips and Tricks
- To easily move pet teams between tabs without loading them/being sent over to that tab, right click and choose Move To… instead of left clicking
- You can turn off the addon using a little check box at the bottom of the window if you want to see the original collection tab, does not require a reload
- There is a skin for ELVUI if you use that for your interface, it’s a seperate add on download
- To add a leveling slot to your team, right click on the slot in the loaded team and choose Put Leveling Pet Here (don’t forget to save your team!)
- You can automatically fill your leveling queue with pets that fit certain criteria by filtering your collection on the left first, then clicking Fill Queue
- You can share teams in game with other Rematch users!
- ←- Link to a bunch of teams to import
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Manny on Twitter
Podcast (faz-pod): Download (Duration: 2:21:15 — 129.3MB)
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