This week Manny and Joce talk about the pre-patch, Overwolf’s cease and desist orders, the datamined cinematic, and then take your emails about Chromie Time. All that and more on this week’s For Azeroth!
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The Pre-Patch is Here!
The pre-patch is live and a lot of players are getting their first taste of Shadowlands
- Character Customizations (have you hit the barber shop?)
- Everything is broken!! (how has your play been impacted)
- Un-Pruning // Revised Rotations
- What to do before the actual pre-expansion event
Overwolf is not a fan of Scraping
Further developments arose as the team at Overwolf put out a blog post about their plans for the new Curse Client.
- Twitch fighting scraping
- Mod Authors work being distributed without consent
- Cease and Desist Letter sent to competitors
- What this means for the alternatives
The WoW Companion App is now Updated
The World of Warcraft Companion app received updates to now work with Legion Order Halls, and BfA War Campaigns. Once Shadowlands goes live it will also work with the Covenant Adventure Table system.
Shadowlands: Dark Abduction
Blizzard has released the in-game cinematic that follows the events to the battle between Bolvar and Sylvanas.
Things discussed on Manny’s stream:
- The two Death Knights carrying Bolvar are Nazgrim and Whitemane, two of the Four Horsemen.
- The targets seem to be Tyrande, Jaina, Bane, Thrall, Anduin
- Tyrande eyes seem different
- First look at Mawsworn Kyrian
- Old man yells at sky
Podcast (faz-pod): Download (Duration: 1:46:14 — 97.3MB)
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