D&D 31 – Rise of 2020

D&D 31 – Rise of 2020

Happy New Year from Dungeons and Diapers! The boys are a bit at wits end trying to decide what to discuss after a full holiday season filled with games, gifts, skiing and more. In the end, the focus is a spoiler cast of the latest Star Wars film (spoilers end at...
D&D 22 – The Zelda Chicken Horde

D&D 22 – The Zelda Chicken Horde

The boys are back and delve deep in the dungeon as Crofton falls down the bottomless pit (of joy) that is Xbox Game Pass while Ryan explains why he pays 80 dollars per game (like a sucker!) instead. Ryan decides that he needs to take Crofton to school… the Fire...
D&D 15 – The Wrestling Academy

D&D 15 – The Wrestling Academy

Wrestlemania season has come and gone and Crofton reflects on the highs (new champs!) and lows (late bedtime!) as he plans to travel to Montreal for a big show next week. Ryan gets a speed tutorial on the wonders of pro wrestling before he provides one on the wonders...