DaD 130 – Resolutions

DaD 130 – Resolutions

It’s a new year so make it a new you with the boys of Dungeons and Diapers as they talk resolutions! How will they become better podcasters this year? Is it even possible? They didn’t start by talking about less stuff because this episode includes The...
D&D 63 – 80’s D&D Cartoons with Adam Huber

D&D 63 – 80’s D&D Cartoons with Adam Huber

Crofton was on vacation this week, so Ryan welcomed Adam Huber, who draws the Bug Martini web comic, to discuss the Dungeons & Dragons Saturday Morning Cartoon from the 80’s (which is all available on YouTube)! Ryan and Adam also discuss their love of...
D&D 39 – The JurassiCast

D&D 39 – The JurassiCast

Ryan and Crofton try to beat the heat by talking pools (both filled-in and inflatable varieties) and watching tv shows in sweet air conditioning (including Hanna – Season 2, Space Force – Season 1, Community – Season All of It). Crofton tries to...